AUDIT-City Updates

These updates do not upgrade previous versions to a newer release. The release number of your software can be found in the About  tab under Help tab in the software toolbar.


Updates for RELEASE 20

Release 20

Update Notes

07/03/2024 : This update corrects an error printing the first page of the Combining Statement of Additions, Deductions, and Changes in Net Position for Custodial Funds. On the form with four columns of data, the beginning net position was not printing.
06/10/2024 : This update corrects an error printing one version of Exhibit A-1 when you respond YES to print Liabilities, Deferred Resource Inflows and Net Position on a second page.
05/31/2024 : This update removes the addition of "net" to Construction in Progress in Exhibit D-1.
05/03/2024 : This update contains a correction to the routine for creating a PDF file for Exhibit H-9 which occurred if the report printed on two pages.
04/23/2024 : This update contains a revised Example TCDRS worksheet for GASB 75. a revised worksheet for TCDRS GASB 75, and a revised worksheet for TCDRS GASB 68.
04/16/2024 : This update contains a revised TCDRS worksheet for GASB 68. The description on row a23 should be Investment (gains) or losses (2021 row).
04/15/2024 : This update contains a revised Users Guide for AUDIT-CITY. Minor revisions include replacing pictures of tool bar items in some of the discussion.
04/08/2024 : This update modifies the print routine for Exhibit C-3 when there are three columns of data for the first page. This reduces the font size allowing for more rows to be printed for Exhibit C-3.
03/22/2024 : This update corrects the routine for importing data from the Non-fiduciary Component Unit data file into the Statement of Activities data file. There is also an additional tweak to the print routine for Exhibit A-1 when there are multiple component units.
03/22/2024 : This update corrects the routine for importing data from the Non-fiduciary Component Unit data file into the Statement of Activities data file. There is also an additional tweak to the print routine for Exhibit A-1 when there are multiple component units.
03/21/2024 : This update revises the print routine for Exhibit A-1 when you have three columns on the first page and also if there are more columns for multiple component units on the second page. Now more rows of data will print on each page.
03/13/2024 : This update corrects the routines for the individual fund statements. Both the import routines and the print routines have been updated. In addition, there was an error in the field name for the adopted budget for permanent funds. This has been corrected but the files for the permanent funds will have to be recreated to implement this change.
03/05/2024 : This update corrects the import routine when importing proprietary data from the trial balance for Exhibit D-2. If you have assigned function numbers to indicate the activity of the fund and wish to report this using both function and object code data, you will need to reimport from trial balance and respond YES when asked if you wish to do so. The items will then import correctly for printing. If you wish to report by object code detail, say NO to this question.
03/02/2024 : This update corrects a printing issue on Exhibit D-3 adding the double underline at the bottom of the first page if there is data in the SR codes for reconciling the cash between D1 and D-3. There is also a correction in the printing of one form of Exhibit A-1.
02/19/2024 : This update adds the question when printing Exhibits D-1, H-3 and H-6 to determine if the capital assets are to be reported net of depreciation. If you respond NO, these will be printed as separate line items. If you wish to report the total accumulated depreciation for all capital assets, use the reporting code 1790 in your object code list and record the total depreciation on all assets with that code. If you respond YES, the asset net of its accumulated depreciation will be reported.
02/09/2024 : This update corrects the printing of the page number on the first page of Exhibit C-1. The reference to the notes has been slightly moved up so it does not cover the top of the page number.
02/06/2024 : This update revises the print routine for Exhibit D-1 when there are two columns of data on the first page and additional columns on the second page so that more lines will print per page.
02/02/2024 : This update corrects the print option for the Fund to Government Wide Worksheet. When you select the option to print or preview rather than create a PDF file, you will now be asked if you wish to PRINT. If you choose NO, you will be taken to the preview screen. If you choose YES, you will be taken to the routine to print the worksheet. This change is necessary because printing from the preview screen will not work with this worksheet.
02/01/2024 : This update revises the print routine for Exhibits C-1 and C-3 when there are only three columns of data including the total for governmental funds.
01/31/2024 : This update puts the option to print and change printer settings in the preview screen of the Fund to Government Wide Worksheet.
01/17/2024 : This update adds the information for measurement year 2017 to the TMRS GASB 75 worksheet. Apparently TMRS data contains 6 years of amortization for the deferred resource outflows and inflows.
11/29/2023 : This update corrects an error importing the data for Exhibit E-2 for Custodial Funds from the Trial Balance into the data file in the Report Generator.
11/07/2023 : This update corrects the error looking for TB21 instead of TB22 when importing the prior year trial balance information.
10/30/2023 : This update makes a small correction to the print routine for Exhibit C-1 allowing more lines to be printed on one page.

Updates for RELEASE 19

Release 19

Update Notes

06/30/2023 : This update corrects an error in the routine to import data from the trial balance file into the data files for trust funds in the Report Generator.
05/03/2023 : This update corrects the routine importing the function list from the prior year into the function list in the crosswalk. If your prior year function list did not contain codes 710 - principal on debt and 720 - interest on debt, these are now correctly added to your new function list along with the new names - principal on debt and Right-to-Use Leases and Interest on Debt and Right-to-Use Leases. There is also aa correction for an error which occurred when editing the crosswalk file after data has been imported into the trial balance file.
04/14/2023 : This update modifies the print routines for the GASB 75 schedules for both TMRS and TCDRS. If there are zeros in year 5 in the data files, the statements will be printed on one page only with the required 4 years of data presented. Some entities did not implement GASB 75 in their 2018 reporting period.
02/09/2023 : This update provides the example worksheet and the worksheet without example numbers for the TCDRS GASB 68 and TCDRS GASB 75 adjustments. There is also a new version of the AUDIT-CITY manual which corrects a page numbering issue.
01/24/2023 : This update corrects the placement of Total Assets on one form of Exhibit C-1. We have also added the updated Excel worksheets for the TMRS 68 and TMRS 75. These can be found in the same folder where you AUDCITY22.exe file is installed.
11/15/2022 : This update includes the revised auditors reports in the Documents section of the Report Generator. There is also a correction in the print-all routine in the Report Generator.

Updates for RELEASE 18

Release 18

Update Notes

10/13/2022 : This update corrects the print routine for Exhibit B-1 when there are multiple non-major component units and no major component unit.
09/28/2022 : This update corrects the print routine for exhibit D-3 which occurred when there is only one column of data.
07/23/2022 : This update corrects the routine for creating the data files for Exhibits A-1 and B-1 when there is only one component unit. If you have only one, do not designiate it as a major component unit. If you have already created these data files and you have two columns for component units in those files, you MUST recreate those data files. If you have more than one component unit and you do not wish to combine them in the non-major component units column, you must designate them as a major fund using the M and the next number in your fund list file for major funds. Remember the names for these can be edited using the HEADINGS option in the Report Data screen when printing or previewing an exhibit.
07/21/2022 : This update corrects errors in the routines for printing Exhibit D1 and D2 when the routine goes to two pages. Remember you must select the option you wish to use in printing Exhibit D-2. If you wish to print the object code to the detail you have entered in your code description table, be sure to check the last option.
06/01/2022 : This update corrects an error on one form of the print routine for Exhibit D-3 - The Cash Flow Statement. The Total Ending Cash amounts would not print.
05/18/2022 : This update corrects a printing problem on one form of Exhibit C-3. The title of the heading of a group of items for the function codes 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 was not printing the title. The heading was printed as QRlabel8.
05/12/2022 : This update corrects the titles in the Component Unit section for one form of Exhibit B-1.
05/06/2022 : This update makes an additional correction to the print routine for the Schedule of Changes in Net Pension Liability.
05/04/2022 : This update corrects the print routine for the GF Budget Comparison. The line item descriptions were not printing correctly.
05/04/2022 : This update corrects the print routine the TCDRS and TMRS Schedule of Changes in Net Pension Liability so that it prints correctly in the high-resolution monitors. The correction to the GF Budget Comparison and all previous updates are also included.
04/24/2022 : This update adds the ability to include more than two Nonfiduciary component unit columns in the government wide statements. If you wish to identify more than one Major Component unit, assign the M plus the number in the Major column on the fund list. If you wish to combine several on the fund list as the total non-major component units, simply do not enter the M plus number in the Major column. All CU fund types not designated as major will be totaled in the non-major component unit field. Remember to recreate your Report Information File after changing the major assignment in the fund list. This update also corrects the calculation for the ending cash balance in the cash flow statement when there is a prior period adjustment.
03/30/2022 : This update makes another correction to printing the budget comparison for a proprietary fund. The beginning net position was not printing correctly.
03/29/2022 : This update corrects the print routine for an individual fund statement for the budget comparison for a proprietary fund when the option it to print the items for the object code description.
03/24/2022 : This update corrects the description of the total line when printing Exhibit C-1 which existed on the print routine when there is only one column of data and there are no deferred resource outflows.
03/22/2022 : This update corrects an error in printing one form of Exhibit C-3. The descriptions for the other sources and uses were not printing.
03/03/2022 : This update corrects an error in the routine to import data from the trial balance into the data file for trust funds in the report generator.
02/26/2022 : This update corrects the formatting for the combining statements for non-major governmental funds.
02/24/2022 : This update corrects a formatting issue for Exhibit D1 and for the Budget Comparison G1. The indentions on some of the rows were not working correctly. We also replaced & with and in the description for Cash Flows for Capital and Related Financing Activities for Exhibit D-3.
02/22/2022 : This update adds additional pages for printing the combining statements for custodial funds and for private purpose trust funds. You may now print a report for as many as 25 funds for each statement.
02/16/2022 : This update corrects the line spacing on the second page of Exhibit B-1 which contains the capital grants and total primary government columns only.
02/10/2022 : This update corrects an error in the routine creating the entire PDF file in the Report Generator which occurred when the TCDRS Schedule of Changes in Net Pension Liability is included in the file. All previous updates are included in this file.
02/09/2022 : This update adjusts the print routine for Exhibit D-1 allowing more lines on a page. There are also some adjustments on row heights in the print routines for Exhibits B-1 and C-3. Please remember descriptions for some line items can be edited in the data file for the Exhibits. The default title for Exhibit D-2 has been changed to Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position.
01/20/2022 : This update corrects the print routines for the combining statements for custodial funds and the cash flow combining statements for proprietary funds.
01/17/2022 : This update includes some additional corrections to the print routines for Exhibit B-1.
01/16/2022 : This update corrects the print routines for some of the forms for Exhibits B-1, C-1, C-3, D-1 and D-3.
12/29/2021 : This update corrects the print routine on the fund list. We have also included the updated Sample Note for GASB 68 from TMRS.
11/22/2021 : This update corrects the column heading dates on the second page of the RSI schedule for Contributions to the plan.
11/18/2021 : This update corrects an error running the CHECK routine when editing the fund list.
11/14/2021 : This update corrects an error in printing the Adjusting Entries in the Trial Balance. The revised 2021 worksheets for TMRS GASB 68 and 75 and for TCDRS GASB 68 and 75 will be saved in your installation folder.

Updates for RELEASE 17

Release 17

Update Notes

09/21/2023 : 7/14/23- This update makes some additional requested changes to add for customer using 2590 for the OPEB Liability rather than the 2585.
02/22/2022 : This update adds additional pages for printing the combining statements for custodial funds and for private purpose trust funds. You may now print a report for as many as 25 funds for each statement.
09/27/2021 : This update corrects the print routine for one version of the Cash Flow Statement for Proprietary Funds.
09/07/2021 : This update revises the print all and make total PDF file routines in the Report Generator to include the new print routines for combining statements H9 and H10 for custodial funds.
09/01/2021 : This update adds additional columns to print up to 17 custodial funds in the combining statements.
08/22/2021 : This update corrects an error printing Exhibit E2. There is also a correction to printing the combining statement Exhibit H-10 for multiple custodial funds.
06/29/2021 : This update makes corrections to the print routine for the D1 exhibit when it has more than 4 columns of data including the total and has enough rows of data to split the report on both pages showing assets and Deferred Outflows on the one page and Liabilities, Deferred Inflows and Net Position on another page.
06/28/2021 : This update makes corrections to the print routines for the RSI Exhibits for TMRS if the pension plan year started in 2015 (FY 2016) rather than 2014 (FY 2015) and the OPEB plan year started in 2018 (FY 2019) rather than plan year 2017 (FY 2018).
05/12/2021 : This update makes a correction to the print routine for Exhibit C-1 when there is a second page. The first page and the second page now line up correctly.
05/06/2021 : This update makes a correction to the routine increasing the size of the Work Paper Reference field in the Trial Balance File. You will now be prompted to close AUDIT-CITY when this change is made so the work session will end and the change will be saved. The change will be made the next time you open the trial balance program for each city.
04/19/2021 : This update corrects an error when creaating the PDF file in the Report Generator. There was an error in looking for Year3 for the TCDRS Exhibit.
03/22/2021 : This update corrects an error printing the TCDRS Statement of Changes in the Total OPEB Liability. Year 2018 was not being included in the report.
03/21/2021 : This update corrects another error printing Exhibit H12 in the Report Generator and corrects the print all and creation of total PDF file for the changes in Exhibits H11 and H12.
03/20/2021 : This update corrects an error printing Exhibit H-12 - The Combining Statement of Additions and Deductions for Trust Funds.
03/03/2021 : This update revises the format of Exhibit D-1 when there are three or four columns of data to allow more rows on the page.
03/01/2021 : This update corrects a formula for the Cash Flow Statements when there is a temporary investment not included in the cash and cash equivalents. This only applies to the last column on the print routine where there are four columns including the total column.
02/26/2021 : This update revises the print format for Exhibit D-1 when there is only one column to allow more lines to print on the page. There is also a correction to the worksheet for the TCDRS Worksheet for GASB 68.
01/23/2021 : This update corrects the print routine for the individual fund statement comparing balance sheet items for governmental funds for current and prior year. A revision was also made in the print routine for Exhibit D-1 allowing for more lines for the one page report.
12/21/2020 : This update corrects the creation of the fund to government wide worksheet in certain situations to include the GASB 75 column. There is a small correction in the GASB AJD menu choices to be certain the memo file for the GASB Adjustments is created and recreated when the GASB Adjustments file is created or recreated.
11/19/2020 : This update rounds the data exported from the Government Wide column in the Fund to Government Wide Worksheet that are imported into the two GW data files and into the General Revenue Worksheet. The user should not enter adjusting entries in the fund to government wide worksheet with pennies. All entries should be rounded to the nearest dollar. This change has been made in case pennies were entered. Please note that rounding errors may have to be manually corrected in the data files for the Government Wide Statement of Net Position and/or for the GW Statement of Activities. The example auditor opinions in the Documents Section of the Report Generator have also been undated.
11/09/2020 : This update for Release 17 corrects an error occurring when importing data from an ASCII file into the prior year data file. There is also a change in the formatting for the TMRS Schedule of Net Pension Liability. We now print three columns on the first page to match the Schedule of Contributions.

Updates for RELEASE 16

Release 16

Update Notes

09/09/2020 : This update allows the creation of the data file for proprietary funds to use the four character object code as described in the crosswalk file rather than combining object and function codes for the report. It is required that there be NO function code in the function code list beginning with a zero. No function codes should be used for expenses in proprietary funds. Also, do not use the general 6500 if there are detailed object codes 6510, 6520, etc.
09/03/2020 : This update changes the routine for importing data into the proprietary funds if you wish to print the data by the full object code. There must be no function numbers on the function list beginning with a 0 as this indicates the data should be displayed by object and segregated activity in the Statement of Revenues, Expense and Changes in Net Position for the proprietary funds.
09/01/2020 : This update corrects an error which occurred when importing an ASCII file in the crosswalk file if the file is a comma delimited file. Please be certain there are no commas in the account name if using this routine.
07/08/2020 : This update allows for one less column to be displayed in the RSI schedules for TMRS for entities that implemented GASB 68 for measurement year 2015 and GASB 75 for measurement year 2018.
04/06/2020 : This update corrects the print all routine in the Report Generator if you are printing the RSI schedules for TCDRS. There was an error when printing Exhibit G-6 in the query command.
03/26/2020 : This update corrects the printing of one version of the Exhibit B-1 report so that the dollar signs are printed correctly.
03/16/2020 : This update adds a routine to save the edits made to control codes in the Report Generator to that description in the code tables for the crosswalk. These are the tables imported from the prior year for the new release of AUDIT-CITY. Hopefully the edits you have made this year will not have to be done next year if they are saved in the crosswalk code descriptions.
02/24/2020 : This update corrects an error when editing the first line of the title for Exhibit E-1. This change correctly saves your edit in the Exhibits file.
02/19/2020 : This update corrects the import routine from the proprietary fund statement printing into the EF and Internal Service Fund Consolidation Worksheet to move the items coded to 2240 and 2230 to be added to Non current Liabilities Due Within One Year for Exhibit A-1. Remember to import the data from trial balance into the EF Grant Worksheet to allocate Contributed Capital to either a capital or operating grant or include it in interfund transfers.
02/05/2020 : This update replaces the example worksheets in the AUDIT-CITY manual. All previous updates are included with this update.
01/30/2020 : This update corrects an error in selecting the major funds from the fund list so that they are now selected in the same in order as they are numbered on the fund list and presented in that order when printing the D Exhibits.
01/29/2020 : This update makes some formatting changes for Exhibits D1 and D3 when there is only one column of data. There is also a change in the formatting for the combining statements affecting the lines on the second page of the exhibit.
01/11/2020 : This update adds the option when printing the budget comparison for a proprietary fund as an individual statement to print the object codes by detail as defined in the data file for that fund type.
12/23/2019 : This update corrects an error when printing Exhibit D-2 if you have internal service funds. The worksheet automatically created when printing this exhibit produced an error stating that "duplicate fields 'ALL' were found in the DBISAM table". This prevented the print routine from completing.
11/20/2019 : This update contains another correction for the Planning Materiality Report. The amounts for the NM Governmental funds and the NM Enterprise funds were not correctly imported from the trial balance file. We have also added a print routine to print in landscape mode if the report has more than 5 columns or account information.
11/08/2019 : This update contains a critical update for AUDIT-CITY Release 16. The Check routine on the Fund List screen was not working correctly. That has now been corrected.

Updates for RELEASE 15

Release 15

Update Notes

08/20/2019 : This update corrects some formatting issues for Exhibits C-1, the Schedule of Changes in Net Pension Liability, and the Individual Fund Budget Comparison for Governmental Funds.
07/23/2019 : This update corrects an error in calculating the assigned fund balance for the permanent fund balance sheet data files when importing data from the trial balance. Only permanent funds were affected with this error.
06/24/2019 : This update makes some formatting changes in some of the exhibits. We have also included a revised worksheet for the TMRS GASB 68 worksheet.
05/02/2019 : This update adds a routine to allow you to change a client account code in the crosswalk file, the trial balance and in the prior year trial balance you have imported from the prior year. This is to be used when the client changes their account number for the same fund and account. For example, if they used a 12- to indicate a particular fund but this year they wish to use a 10- for the same fund as in the prior year. The routine is in the EDIT menu in the crosswalk file. The routine is called "Edit Specified Characters in the Client Account Code".
04/09/2019 : This update adds a table to reconcile the calculated deferred inflows and outflows related to the TMRS pension in the TMRS worksheets - both the Abilene Example worksheet and the TMRS Worksheet for GASB 68 for FY2018. These worksheets are installed in your application folder. The default location is C:AUDCITY18.
03/27/2019 : This update makes some formatting changes to Exhibits A-1, C-1 and D-1.
03/23/2019 : This update makes some formatting changes to the D Exhibits. There is a change in the left alignment of the descriptions for Exhibit D-1 and a change splitting the description for Business Activities - Enterprise Funds across the top of the split page format.
03/19/2019 : This update changes the description on Exhibit E-2 - The Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position so that the Net Change in Net Position NOW reads the Net Change in Fiduciary Net Position.
03/15/2019 : This update makes some additional corrections to the print all routine and the PDF file creation routine in the GASB 34 Exhibits menu in the Report Generator.
03/14/2019 : This update corrects the routines for making a PDF file of the entire report and the one for printing the entire report. This error occurred on one form of the report for Exhibit A1 for the PDF file creation and for the report for the RSI Schedule of Contributions for the Pension Contributions in the print all routine.
03/08/2019 : This update corrects some formatting issues on Exhibit B-1 - The Government Wide Statement of Activities.
03/07/2019 : This update corrects the dashes in the Beginning Net Position and Ending Net Position items on Exhibits D-2 and E-2. There are also some changes in the use of capital letters in some of the items on the TMRS and TCDRS base data files for the Schedule of Changes in Net Pension Liability schedules and one in the base file for the Schedule of Changes in the Total OPEB Liability. If you have already created these files, you may edit these row items as you see fit.
03/05/2019 : This update makes several adjustments to the print routines for Exhibit C-3, G-1, D-1 and D-2.
02/27/2019 : This update corrects the print routine for one form of Exhibit B-1. If there are no capital grants but there are both enterprise funds and a component unit, the titles for the component unit section were not printing correctly.
02/25/2019 : This update adjusts the titles for items on the RSI Schedules for both TMRS and TCDRS for the Changes in Net Pension Liability when there is at least one column of data where there is a Net Pension Asset. The changes are C - Net Pension Liability (Asset) and F - Net Pension Liability (Asset) as a Percentage of Covered Payroll. We have also added a routine to calculate the subtotals, totals and percentages in these two data files. We corrected the page number on Exhibit G9 for the form with only 4 years of data.
02/06/2019 : This update adds an option to choose to print the Fund To Government Wide Worksheet showing only the rows where amounts have been entered. All rows with nothing in them are left off of the report.
02/05/2019 : This update corrects the print routine for the budget comparison report for a proprietary fund as printed through the Individual Fund Statements option in the Report Generator.
01/30/2019 : This update corrects the print routine when printing the trial balance content reports in the trial balance. The correct fund name was not being retrieved.
01/23/2019 : This update corrects the print routine for Exhibit C-1 for the form for one fund only when there are no liabilities but there is a deferred resource inflow. The inflow was not adding to the equities for the total at the bottom of the statement.
01/18/2019 : This update corrects the formula for adjusting entry #4 and #5 in the Excel worksheet for the GASB 75 adjustments for TMRS.
01/09/2019 : This update corrects an error from the last update which occurred when printing the TCDRS Exhibit For Pension Contributions when there is more than four years of data. There is also a new feature which allows you to print Exhibits D2, H4 and H7 listing the expenses by the details as listed in your underlying data files. The Description is printed for each control code where there are amounts in these Exhibits. The other options - printing with items rolled up and by object and function remain. Remember when changing these options in the Report Data Screen, you must close that screen and click on the GASB 34 Exhibits menu option and select the report again so that the report data file can be reformed to be consistent with the option you have chosen.
01/04/2019 : This update corrects an error in the Create Entire PDF file routine and also an error in the Print All routine. The format for the TCDRS Schedule of Contributions for the Pension Plan has been revised to print only four years of data on one page only. There is also a correction in the Current Year/Prior Year queries so that items with negative variances and negative amounts in balance and prior year will be picked up correctly. Remember all previous changes are included in this update.
12/26/2018 : This update corrects the print routines for the RSI schedules for the Changes in Net Pension Liability for both TMRS and TCDRS schedules. There is also a correction in the Exhibit Information file changing the name for TCDRS to Texas County & District Retirement System.
12/17/2018 : This update corrects the print routines for Exhibit D-1. The headings for Restricted Assets - Current and for Payable from Restricted Assets were not printing correctly.
10/24/2018 : This update corrects the routine which Checks the Fund List against the funds in the trial balance file. Funds found in the trial balance file but NOT listed in in the fund list are added and fund on the fund list which are NOT found in the trial balance are removed from the fund list.
10/23/2018 : This update adds the print routine for the TMRS and TCDRS Changes in Total OPEB Liability which are required RSI schedules if the entity participates in one of these programs. Excel worksheets for the Fund to Government Wide entries for these two programs are also provided in the installation folder. There are also some minor corrections to the software.